Saturday, June 25, 2011

feeling lost with no direction...

Do you sometimes feel lost... Maybe you have come to the Father and drank from the cup of everlasting life. But maybe there is still a hole or an emptiness that you can just not seem to fill. In a blog I read today they talked about how even when we know the father there is sometimes still an uncomfortable emptiness in us that we can not seem to shake.

We face a lot of situations in life where things don't always turn out like we planned, and we run into failure more than we care to admit. When we hit that wall we can lose confidence and joy and start to drudge up all the things in the past that make us feel even worse. So we find something to help u fill that void and we end up feeling worse than when we started.

In the blog I read today they said this, " Luke 19:10 says that He came to seek and save that which was lost. Not Only is He out to save souls, He's out to restore Joy, Peace, Confidence and strength. He's on a rescue mission for your relationships, broken dreams and missed opportunities. He wants to save your health, your finances and totally renew every area of your life!"

That really spoke to my hear. If you know me or you know Jon... we have really been seeking the Lords will to figure out where and what the Lord wants from us in order to follow him better. We both know we have a huge calling on our lives and we seem to keep getting out feet stuck in the mud. And when we get stuck all the mistakes that have taken place seem to brought back to the surface so we can say things like,.... "What if?.... If I had only.....If we had to do over again.... and when all is said and done we feel worse than when we started.

Like I have said before, I know that God has placed something big in my life and I have been found guilty of sitting idly by waiting for the Lord to hand something over to me on a platter saying, "Here you go Whitney, I will whatever you want, and you don't have to do a thing." In all reality God is calling me to get up and go... He is calling me to stop and listen with my heart to what he is really telling me to do.

they gave an example in the blog I was reading about when you go hiking and you find outselfs lost that the number one advice is to Stop. Sit still,eat a snack and catch your breath. The same things is true for our spiritual lives. "That's why scripture says to be still and know that He is God. When you are still, it's a whole lost easier to be rescued than when you are running! We have to stop and feed on His word which grounds us, nourished us and directs our paths."

If you are like me, then you know how hard it is to sit still and just wait when you feel like you HAVE to be going to find what you are suppose to be doing. I struggle with being patient and listing to His 'still small voice' .... who has that perfect answer for me. God wants so much more than I could ever begin to believe of dream of. He wants us to soar in life. I will leave you with this thought.

"God wants you to fly. He wants you to Fly free of yesterday's guilt. He wants you to fly free of today's fears. He wants you to fly free of tomorrow's grave. Sin, fear, and death. These are the mountains he has moved. These are the prayers He will answer." - Max Lucado

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