Friday, July 29, 2011


You need to check out this blogger & her awesome giveaway!!! Go on over ... just follow the link!!

Monday, July 25, 2011

more good stuff!!

Also .. check out the website from the previous post and look at The Little Knit Lovey.. she is on Etsy too... SO cute!

agape designs!

If you want to find some super cute stuff.. and some greats ideas then you HAVE to head over to

this blog... the link is below. GO .. now =]

Monday, July 11, 2011

My Hearts desire....

As we grow up we always have these ideas of what we want from life and what we want to do in life. Some people call them goals. I have definitely set a lot of goals in my life and as I am getting older I am realizing that not only are these goals in my life but they are my "hearts desire". Because of my relationship with the Lord I know these desires that he has places in my life are also the callings in my life.

When I was younger I had a burden on my heart for missions, or at that point I thought it was missions. I was given the opportunity to take several missions trips over the years, and I always had an amazing time and met wonderful people and my life was blessed by the trip. But looking back on those trips I remember the faces of kids.. the little boys & girls that I would meet. I remember how my heart would almost jump out of my chest when we had the chance to work with them and help them.

Several years later I found myself in a position that I had not been in before & need a job fast. The church I was attending gave me a position as an intern for the summer. I was placed in the children's ministry department and was SO upset. I did not want to work with the small children. I wanted to work with the youth. I really had no choice at this point and I needed the job. The church had recently hired a new Children's Minister. I was working under her for the summer and was just not sure I would be able to handle all the little children and VBS & Children's camp...ect. Little did I know that this summer would change my life.

Fast forward.... I thought after that summer that I would want to be a Children's Minister ( & to be quite honest there is still a pull in my heart for that) but the woman that I worked with really encouraged me to seek a route that had something to do with children. She gave me a few suggestions on the ways I could go. It only made since that because I had several teachers in my family that I go to school to be a teacher. Sitting here now I can vividly remember sitting with advisor during my college years telling her that I DID NOT want to be a teacher that I was going to school to get a degree but I wanted to work in ministry. I didn't realize that I was so busy planning my life that I was missing out on the '"desires that God had really placed in my heart.

I am slowly buy surely realizing that everything that has happened in my life is leading me to where I am now and God has placed these strong desires in my heart to be who He created me to be.

God has placed a huge desire in my heart to be a teacher. I now see that the mission trips where my heart was bursting for those kids and the fact that God placed me in children's ministry and I ended up with a degree in teaching was all part of the plan. I have had the opportunity to work in a school for the past two years as part of their Title One team working on reading, writing and spelling. Although young kids can be a lot of work I was excited everyday to get to see them and work with them. I am constantly online looking for new ideas that I can use in my own classroom. I am trying my best to be patient as I wait for God to open the right door for me and providing me with my own classroom. This is something I struggle with because it's hard to be patient and wait. There are times I feel like I am being looked over for jobs that I apply for and i just have to keep reminding myself that there is a perfect place for me and God will open the right door for me when it is the right time.

I am thankful for all the things that the Lord has allowed me to do in my lifetime. I guess that I am becoming nostalgic as I am approaching my 25th birthday. I am realizing that things didn't just happen... I was allowed to be where I have been and do what I have done, and I am thankful.