Tuesday, April 3, 2012

'Reminding' God of his promises

Life is full of up's & down's. It can almost feel like an being stuck on a moving elevator at times, never reaching the correct floor and being able to step off.

I understand this feeling.

I understand this feeling better than I would like to.

I know how it feels to watch as other step 'off' of the elevator and into their life. Sometimes I find myself start to question myself, my education and my worth. I just can't always grasp why I can feel so stuck.

Saying all that, I can also turn 180 degrees and see that my life is far from stuck in other areas. I have graduated with great grades, started my Masters work, I am currently licensed in two different states, I have the most amazing man in my life (who will one day be MY husband -eeekk), A fabulous family who is always there for me and the opportunity to stay at home while I continue to look for where the Lord is leading.

I am blessed far beyond I could ever imagine!

But there are days, and everyone has them, where we feel like no matter how much we 'call out' or 'beg' God for direction... it's like there is closed door between you.

Recently, I heard a sermon from a pastor that totally changed my perspective on praying for my life, or about my life. One of the most powerful ways to pray is to find a promise in scripture, and 'remind' God what he says about you!

God is faithful to his promises.

22 Because of the LORD’s great love we are not consumed,
for his compassions never fail. 23 They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness. - Lamentations3:22-23

Often, there are times where we can find ourselves begging God to change something in our lives or pleading with him. It is very clear in scripture that He already knows our problems. HE has also made promises to use in the scripture.. When you are faced with problems take a "God, you said..." and remind him of his promises He has for you.

"God, I know what you say is true. And I'm not going to be moved by what I see. I'm not going to be discouraged by what I don't see. I'm not going to give up because it's taking a long time. God I trust You. I know You will never fail. You will never let me down"

I must remember that no matter, how many times or how many ways I ask, God is not obligated to bring to pass what I say... but HE is obligated to being to pass what He says. So when you are faced with a problem, find that promise that applies to your situation and say "God you said..."

"God, You said You are my helper, and You will never fail me or let me down. " God is obligated to bring that promise to pass. That's His Word that is forever true. "God, I'm in this big problem. People are coming against me. But God, You said in Psalms the strength of the wicked is being cut off and the power of the godly is being increased. " "God you said the trap that the enemy set for me, they would fall in themselves. " God is obligated to bring that promise to pass.

Keep not silent, Keep reminding God of his promises to you.

1 comment:

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